Author: lintechtt


The digital devices made to review stored information from a magnetic card do so either when somebody swipes the card with a slot in the reading gadget or holds the card alongside a magnetic card reader. Regarding a hundred bytes of info can be stored on a magnetic card.   The magnetic card reader is a microcontroller-based gadget and also has been configured for a specific application....

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  Access control systems are an integral part of security systems. They not only help keep properties safe by controlling the entry and exit of people but also restrict access to sensitive areas within the property.   In many ways, wireless access control systems triumph over wired ones and mechanical locks. However, many people are wary of the former and resort to using age-old methods to keep their...

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Source -   The hospitality industry is one of the rapidly evolving industries in the world. However, there is a fierce competition in this sector as well. That's why hotels come up with creative ways to enhance customer satisfaction, with the expectation that the customer climbs higher up on the ladder of loyalty.   The hospitality industry served the baby boomers by providing them with a reliable...

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    Source –   Most people are under the impression that only metros and large cities experience parking problems. They couldn't be fartherfrom the truth. With millions of new vehicles on the streets every year, the problem continues to penetrate the relatively less populated suburbs as well.   Particularly, commercial buildings comprising shopping centers, offices, and even hotels face parking-related problems throughout the year. The age-old parking lots,which you...

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    In today's technology driven world, door access control systems have become an essential component of business security. In fact, there is no better alternative to secure your premises as access controlled systems have become increasingly sophisticated over the years. Starting from an electronic keypad that secures a single door to a comprehensive network of multiple rooms and floors, they provide remote access to only authorized...

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Autоmаtіс card dispenser sуstеm іs аn аuthоrіаl рrоduсt оf Роlіхеl ЅА іn Wаrsаw, Роlаnd. Тhе sуstеm іs bаsеd оn аutоmаtіс іntеllіgеnt dеtесtіоn, mоtіоn аnаlуsіs аnd rесоgnіtіоn sеrvеrs thаt sеnd іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut а rесоgnіzеd numbеr оf а vеhісlе tо thе сеntrаl sеrvеr. Тhе сеntrаl sеrvеr stоrеs thе іnfоrmаtіоn іn ЅQL dаtаbаsе аnd mаkеs іt аvаіlаblе tо mаnаgеmеnt stаtіоns аnd sіmultаnеоuslу mаkеs іt роssіblе tо ассеss thе...

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Орtісаl Сhаrасtеr Rесоgnіtіоn (ОСR) tесhnоlоgу   OCR іs а hаrdwаrе/sоftwаrе tооl thаt tаkеs а рареr dосumеnt, usuаllу аn іnvоісе, sсаns аnd “rеаds” іt аnd turns іt іntо mеtаdаtа thаt саn bе usеd tо рорulаtе fіеlds іn а dаtаbаsе. Frоm thеrе thе іnvоісе саn bе brоught іntо аn еlесtrоnіс wоrkflоw fоr рrосеssіng. Ѕоunds grеаt, rіght?   Соmраnіеs sреnd mіllіоns оf dоllаrs оn оff-thе-shеlf ОСR programs еvеrу уеаr іn thе hоре...

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<Standard USB Power+DB9 Data>   Lintech have been manufactured magnetic card reader product since 2007, in this period, we met a lot of requirement for product customization.   With the RS-232 interface model MSR reader, the most common customization part at it’s connector, cables length, and hardware setting.   In this post, let’s list those connector we ever asked to made in the years 2016 to 2017. The most popular connector...

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Lintech warrants its products against defects in material and workmanship for 1-3 years from Date of Purchase. Pursuant to this Limited Warranty, Lintech will, at its option, repair or replace legitimately defective products. Repair and/or replacement may include the use of refurbished parts or products. “Refurbished” means products or parts that have been factory restored to original specifications. With different years waranty, there may diffrent...

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For worldwide hardware/software service purpose, Lintech apply for kinds of international safety certification. In the electronic filed, CE is for European market requirement, and FCC is for American Market. For protect environment pollution, all Lintech material compliant to RoHS rules. Certificates ...

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