New 77G-81GHz radar sensor on PC Test



In Lintech 77G radar sensor standard packing list, there is only radar sensor and it’s extend 5 meter cable. When you
expecting to make a simple test in the office/house surrounding area.


Let’s check what kinds of material we need to prepare for:


1. Windows OS PC;
2. DC power supplier/Batteries: 12VDC;
3. PC USB camera (if avaiable);
4. 77G Radar Sensor and it’s cable;
5. CAN tools;

Connection Draft


Recommend CAN tools as:


CANalyst-II Optional Version and Reference Price: 


Option1: Basic function, USD50.00/pc.

Option2: Two OBD adapters + Linux system support (also supports window system),  USD66.00/pc.

Option3: Two OBD adapters + Linux system support + gasoline vehicle ISO 15765 protocol analysis + low speed fault tolerant CAN / single line CAN support. (Includes all features of other models.), USD76.00/pc. 


CANalyst tools software overview:

CANalyst tools basic driver download:


Milimeter Wave Radar Test Tools V1.0.9 Overview:

Radar tools

Video: 77GHz Radar on road test?