77G mmWave Radar Sensor Feature and Firmware Update



The 77-79 GHz millimeter wave radar sensor has a variety of parameter configurations depending on the requirements of the application scenario. Here we are introducing two specifications of LINTECH radar sensors:


1. Model CAR-N30

Used for vehicle induction and reverse assist. The detection distance is 30 meters, and the horizontal detect angle specification at +/- 60 degrees (Real measured is about+/- 45 degrees). It support UART data output, baud rate at 115200; also support CAN data output, baud rate 500K, WINDOWS test tool provided.

Rference test:

The test is divided into three detection targets: pedestrians, pedestrians and bicycles, and cars.


The maximum detectable angle of static pedestrians is ±45 degrees and the detection radius is 0.3m-25m.



Pedestrian + bicycle:
The static cyclist’s maximum detectable angle is ±45 degrees and the detection radius is 0.3m-25m.

When the radar is stationary, the maximum detectable angle of the static car is ±45 degrees, and the detection radius is 0.3m-30m.

Static two object resolution:
When the radar is stationary, the distance resolution of 0-10M is 0.39m, and the distance resolution of 10-30m is 1.5m.


Angular resolution:
15 degree resolution at the same distance from the stationary target at the same time as the radar is stationary


Serial data output format and definition:


( Check with introduce manual )


CAN data output format and definition:


2. Model: IIR-R09




Used in close-range requirements for high-resolution scenes, mainly robots, automatic vehicle obstacle avoidance applications. The default detection distance is set to 4 meters and the width is 1 meter. The detection area can be modified by commands. The closest detection distance is 0.04 meters. This firmware currently only supports UART output, its serial port baud rate is 115200bps.


Serial data output format and definition:


[Tid_] [Object No.] [\t] [x:] [x value] [y:] [y value] [\t] [p:] [Signal strenght] [\n]


Tid_0 x:0.26 y:0.90 p:115
Tid_1 x:0.34 y:1.86 p:216

In theory, the same frame can outputs max up to 32 targets.
Where: Tid_0, Tid_1, etc. represent the detected target; x represents the x coordinate of the target, the unit is meter; y represents the y coordinate of the target, the unit is meter; p represents the signal strength of the target, the larger the p value, the signal strength the stronger.


CAN data output format and definition:


Firmware update, Situation 1:

Once the radar sensor firmware is successfully upgraded to CAR-N30 firmware, or if the 77G radar sensor you ordered already with the CAR-N30 firmware, now you like to try upgrade firmware version or going to switch to IIR-R09 firmware, you need to upgrade by CAN communication by CAN upgrade software. Prepare as follows:


Hardware preparation:


1. 77G millimeter wave radar sensor with CAR-N30 firmware
2. Radar data, power cord
3. CANalyst-II, CAN analyzer tool and its USB cable
4. 8-36VDC DC power supply
5. Windows System PC




Software preparation:


1. Radar CAN upgrade software (click to download)
2. 77G millimeter wave radar sensor firmware CAR-N30.bin (click to download) or IIR-R09.bin (click to download)
3. CANalyst-II, CAN analyzer tool WINDOWS basic driver (click to download)


Upgrade steps:


1. Select the firmware version and it’s file name should in .bin as the file extend name.
2. Baud rate selection 500kbs
3. Click Boot, wait for formatting
4. Click Flash to write new firmware and the certificate is successful.
5. Disconnect the radar sensor from the power supply, power again, complete the new firmware activation



Firmware update, Situation 2:

The radar sensor that has already programmed with the IIR-R09 firmware, in this status, it can upgrade the CAR-N30 or

IIR-R09 firmware through the serial port upgrade software.


Hardware preparation:


1. 77G millimeter wave radar that has been programmed with IIR-R09 firmware
2. Radar data, power cord
3. USB to UART serial converter
4. DuPont Line
5. 8-36V DC power supply
6. Windows System PC


Software preparation:


1. Radar serial port upgrade software(donwload)

2. 77G millimeter wave radar firmware CAR-N30.bin(download), IIR-R09.bin(download)

3. USB-UART CH340 serial converter WINDOWS driver(download)
4. Series COM software-SSCOM(download)


Step as:


1. Select CH340 serial port, the baud rate selects 115200
2. Select the firmware you want to upgrade, it was .bin as the file name.
3. Click update, about one minute to complete the upgrade.
4. Disconnect the radar from the power supply, power again, then complete the new firmware activation